What is the difference between DS Dashboard and DS Swap. In the corporate finance industry, there are two offering stages:.

27 Jul 2023, 13:27
What is the difference between DS Dashboard and DS Swap? In the corporate finance industry, there are two offering stages: 1️⃣ Primary issuing. This is when the company sells its stock to the investors directly. 2️⃣ Secondary market. This is when investors trade between themselves. 🔹 is a SaaS tool for the primary issuing and management of security tokens in two environments (for investors and corporate managers). In this case, the company can efficiently conduct an STO. 🔹 is one of the first DEX for the secondary market for security tokens. Moreover, DS Swap has the functionality to swap and trade standard crypto without passing the KYC procedure. For example, the @Landshareio company passed through Consulting and Legal using Stobox services and issued security tokens via the SaaS product DS Dashboard with a fundraising goal of $170.000. Landshare successfully conducted the STO, reached the hard cap, and can now open a secondary market via DS Swap for all investors who passed KYC on the Landshare Dashboard.